Hyundai Motor Welcomes Boston Dynamics to ‘the Family’ with Special Video Showing BTS Dancing with Robots - Hyundai Internusa

Hyundai Motor Welcomes Boston Dynamics to ‘the Family’ with Special Video Showing BTS Dancing with Robots

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Hyundai Motor Company today released a special brand video—starring BTS, worldwide pop icon and Hyundai Motor’s global brand ambassador—to celebrate the completion of Hyundai Motor Group’s acquisition of Boston Dynamics.

“With the acquisition of Boston Dynamics, Hyundai Motor will expand its new robotics business to provide customers with exciting mobility experiences,” said Thomas Schemera, Executive Vice President and Global Chief Marketing Officer at Hyundai Motor. “We look forward to exploring new marketing opportunities to communicate with millennials and Gen Z, in particular, about the enormous potential offered by Hyundai’s new robotics in daily life, enabling progress for humanity.”

In the video, “Welcome to the Family with BTS,” Boston Dynamic’s robots ‘Spot’ and ‘Atlas’ dance with BTS to their song “IONIQ: I’m On It,” an anthem released last year to celebrate the launch of Hyundai Motor’s dedicated electric vehicle brand, IONIQ.

The video shows how Boston Dynamic’s robots are programmed to conduct physical movements and—in this case—adapt them for dancing. In the video, the robots are challenged to conduct movements of BTS’ choreography, eventually dancing together with the group to the music.

The video starts with Kid’s NEXO guiding ‘Spot’ into a film shooting studio, where the quadruped robot meets BTS and starts to dance the group’s dynamic dance moves. Then, ‘Atlas’, the humanoid robot, shows off its dance moves, which raises the energy level even higher. The video ends with both robots mastering the moves of BTS choreography.

The field of robotics is an important area of business development for Hyundai Motor Group further bolstered by the acquisition of Boston Dynamics. Last September, the Group demonstrated its interest in advancing robotics by introducing ‘VEX (Vest EXoskeleton),’ a wearable robot that supports production line workers, as well as an ‘Electric Vehicle Charging Manipulator’ and other ‘Robotic Personal Mobility’ solutions.

About Hyundai Motor Company

Established in 1967, Hyundai Motor Company is present in over 200 countries with more than 120,000 employees dedicated to tackling real-world mobility challenges around the globe.

Based on the brand vision ‘Progress for Humanity,’ Hyundai Motor is accelerating its transformation into a Smart Mobility Solution Provider.

The company invests in advanced technologies such as robotics and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) to bring about revolutionary mobility solutions, while pursuing open innovation to introduce future mobility services.

In pursuit of sustainable future for the world, Hyundai will continue its efforts to introduce zero emission vehicles equipped with industry-leading hydrogen fuel cell and EV technologies.

More information about Hyundai Motor and its products can be found at: or

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